Prostate Cancer Overview By Dr. Chhabra
Prostate Cancer is a type of cancer that begins within the cells of the prostate glands. When the cells of the prostate glands start to grow out of control it causes problems.
The prostate gland is a male gland that is walnut-shaped in the pelvis. This gland produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and helps transport the sperms.
It is one of the most common types of cancer in men.
It is slow-growing cancer. Initially, patients don’t find any abnormal symptoms. Abnormal growth of the cancer cell of the prostate continues until it becomes a tumor or the malignant tumor of the prostate gland.

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
- Difficulty in micturition especially, in the early morning first urine.
- Low force in the flow of urine while urination.
- Haematuria – Sometimes urine comes with the blood in the urine stream.
- Unknown weight loss without any efforts.
- Loss of appetite.
- Weakness with muscular pain.
- Bone pain.
- Slight pain with discomfort in the pelvic area.
- Unsatisfactory urination.
- Erectile dysfunction.
- Frequent urination.
- Pain in the lower back, hips, and thighs are frequently seen.
- Burning and painful micturition.
- Tired very easily.
- Changes in bowel habits.
The main cause of this is still unknown.
But, it comes with an abnormal mutation of the DNA or the genetic code that leads to the growth of the prostate cancer cells. Discontinuous abnormal mutations of the DNA of individuals lead to the formation of cancerous tumors all over the prostate gland. It mainly affects older men.
When to See a doctor:
When you have abnormal symptoms regarding urination and are unable to recover, then it is necessary to meet the doctor. Early treatment is always better for such conditions for such diseases.

Risk Factors
- Family History: This is one of the main causes. If a person has a strong family history of cancer that individual is more prone to this cancer.
- Obesity: It also plays a big role because a person with an obese personality diagnosed with prostate cancer may be more likely to have advanced cancer disease which is more difficult to treat.
- Age: Older age is a more prone factor for cancer. More than 60% of cases of prostate cancer arise in men over 60-65 years of age.
- Race: African-American men have more chances of this cancer because ancestor history shows that African American men were having prostate cancer than any other.
- Diet: High-fat diet or red meat diet and low fruit and vegetable diet associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer.
There is no proven prevention. But we may reduce the risk of prostate cancer by making healthy life activities like diet schedules and exercises.
- By choosing a healthy diet:
- Have a low-fat diet by avoiding oily greasy food along with red meat, nuts, and cheese.
- Increase the amount of Fruit and Vegetables by adding every seasonal fruit and vegetable with green leafy veggies.
- Reduce the amount of excess use of dairy products in daily routine.
- By maintaining a healthy weight.
- Having a good habit of daily exercise.
- Regular check-up in late adult age.
It is diagnosed with some tests:
- PSA( prostate-specific antigen): It is done by the blood screening test.
- DRE( digital rectal exam): It is done by physical procedure, so manually it is done by inserting a finger into the rectum to find abnormal growth inside.
- Ultrasound: It is done to create a picture of the prostate gland to find out the abnormal structure in or outside the prostate gland.
- MRI: this is the advanced imaginary screening test which is done after the ultrasound to find out a more clear picture.
- CT scan.
- Tissue Culture test – Biopsy: It is done by having a piece from the suspected site of the prostate gland to know about the growth that is malignant or benign.
- PET scan/ Positron Emission Tomography: this is the screening test by which we can find out the stage of disease as if it is metatised or not.
- Urine culture test: to find out the infection in the urine.
Treatment of Prostate Cancer in Homeopathy with Dr. Chhabra:
Homeopathy has a wide range of medicines for the treatment of prostate cancer.
According to the base of symptoms of prostate cancer here we have many medicines to treat a patient.
Homeopathy is a complementary medicine widely used around the world.
In the early stage of prostate cancer, it is easy to remove the health issues of the patient. We can have homeopathic medicine along with other treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or hormonal therapy of conventional treatment.
During conventional treatment, patients may suffer from many other complications like vomiting, weakness, skin trouble. So by homeopathic treatment, all of these symptoms can be managed easily with the help of potential medicines.